「生態公園 築夢大安」 成立於2014年5月之非營利民間組織,以大安森林公園為示範點,結合產、官、學、民資源,致力於提升公園環境品質,以生態友善設計與施作,促進生物多樣性正向發展為宗旨。今(2024)年本會成立屆滿10週年,秉持初衷推動大安森林公園生態化、關注園區林木生長及休憩景觀改造,打造大安森林公園成為台灣的紐約中央公園。 "Ecological Park: Cultivating Dreams in Da’an " Established in May 2014, the Friends of Da’an Forest Park Foundation is a non-profit civil organization dedicated to enhancing the environmental quality of Da’an Forest Park. By integrating business, city government, academic, and public human resources, the foundation focuses on promoting the development and use of ecological-friendly designs and practices that foster the positive development of the biodiversity of Da’an Forest Park. After a decade of excellence, the Foundation continues to be committed to its original mission of promoting the ecological transformation of Da’an Forest Park, emphasizing the health of the park’s trees and the renovation of recreational landscapes, with the aim of transforming Da’an Forest Park into the Central Park of Taipei . 螢光點點亮大安 透過棲地營造、栽種原生植物,成功復育螢火蟲且提高生物多樣性,成為台北市最便捷的賞螢地點與接近大自然場域。 Illuminating Da’an with Fireflies Through habitat restoration and the planting of native plants, the Foundation has successfully revived the firefly habitat while at the same time increasing the surrounding biodiversity, making this accessible natural habitat the most celebrated firefly viewing spot in Taipei City.